Root Canals

Our teeth are really well-designed; we have an outer layer of hard dental enamel, followed by a softer layer called dentin, and a core called dental pulp that contains root canals, blood vessels, tissue, and nerves that keep the tooth alive and healthy.

This design works really well until bacteria find their way into the pulp area due to a deep cavity, crack in the tooth, or dental trauma. When it does, it infects the pulp and typically causes an excruciating toothache. The way to remove the infected pulp, save your tooth, and relieve your pain is with root canal therapy.

Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection

We need to treat a root canal infection promptly as it may be the only way to save the tooth from extraction. That’s why it’s a good idea for you to know the symptoms to look for and call us promptly if you notice any of them.

Some symptoms you may notice are:

  • Intense tooth pain that continues to worsen
  • Jaw pain or swelling
  • Extreme, lingering sensitivity to touch and hot and cold
  • A pimple-like bump on your gums
  • An awful odor or taste in your mouth

However, a root canal infection doesn’t always present symptoms. That’s why we strongly encourage six-month dental exams, so we can catch the problem before it worsens.

What’s Involved With Getting a Root Canal in Moorpark, CA?

First, you can forget every myth you’ve ever heard about root canals being a difficult procedure. Times have changed, technology and techniques have evolved and improved and made root canal treatment comfortable and efficient.

Before we begin your procedure, Dr. Batlle will use the best dental anesthetics to ensure that the part of the mouth we’re treating is completely numb and you won’t feel any pain. This will also immediately relieve the discomfort your infection was causing.

In the next step, he accesses the inside of your tooth where the pulp chamber is located. Using leading-edge rotary endodontic technology, he carefully and methodically removes the infected pulp.

In the final steps of your procedure, Dr. Batlle places a biocompatible material inside the hollowed-out part of the tooth then seals it with a temporary restoration.

After Root Canal Treatment

After the numbness wears off, it’s common to experience some tooth soreness for several days, but you can easily manage any discomfort with OTC pain medications like ibuprofen or Advil.

About two weeks after your root canal procedure, we’ll have you return to Moorpark Dental Studio to check the tooth and place a final restoration. Depending on where the treated tooth is located in your mouth, Dr. Batlle would recommend either a tooth-colored filling or a dental crown to protect it.